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where judges are judged

comment #:
I was called by Judge Owsley for an interview. Although I lived a considerable distance away, he wanted an in-person interview. I flew out to Corpus Christi, Texas, at my own expense to stay overnight ($900 airfare + hotel + carfare to/from hotel/airport). An overnight stay was the only option given the location of the airport (requiring a transfer in Houston). I was told after the interview that I'd have an answer within 2 weeks. When I hadn't heard anything for a month, I called. I was told that a decision hadn't yet been made and I was still being considered. A month after that I got a form rejection letter. It is extremely rude to make an applicant fly out to meet you and then not have the courtesy to give a timely response. I felt the need to comment on this, because I hope that Owsley (like many individuals) googles himself and checks his rating. He should realize that treating people this way is bad form. A person who spends significant time and money to interview deserves the courtesy of a timely response.
7/15/19, 2:12 AM
Hon. Brian L. Owsley
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