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where judges are judged
Criminal Defense Lawyer
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Holds a hearing and issues a written opinion -- usually 50-100 pages, not joking -- on all contested motions. Civil: *Does not get involved in settlement negotiations. At all. Believes that knowing about it will taint his judgment. *Handles all discovery disputes and scheduling. Criminal: *I think he's pro-Government, but you rarely see it. He's patient and understanding with criminal defense lawyers, and kind to the defendants. *He's a lenient sentencing judge, for a conservative, by which I mean (1) the Guidelines are draconian, and (2) he won't throw them out entirely, but will almost always sentence at the bottom of the range and often varies a level or two down. *Follows the Gov't on 5K1.1s. *Will do fast-track on reentry cases, but well-known to not be a fan of the way the program is administered. General: *Evidence decisions tend towards letting most stuff in. *Relatedly, let's you make almost any argument that isn't straight-up ification to the jury. *Very good demeanor. *Very smart; was a Supreme Court clerk and, I believe, #1 in his class at UVA. *Takes FOREVER to get an opinion to you. *Actually reviews the work of the magistrates on dispositives; which is good if the MJ ruled against you, bad if he ruled for you.
7/15/19, 2:13 AM
Hon. James O. Browning
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