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comment #:
average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
Judge Linda Reade wanted Sholom M Rubashkin punished to the fullest extent and therefor she involved herself as much as possible in all the preliminaries. Then she (in order to carry out her plan) failed to dislose this information the the defense and that is how she was able to come up with the most abserd sentencing possible. She is not a fair judge (Demicratis America boasts fair justice for all) and should therefor be promptly removed from office and be replace with a judge who seeks fairness. Real criminals, drug dealers, murderers, terrorists etc. should receive these harsh punishments in order to protect innocent people. Rubashkin deserves a fair trial!
7/15/19, 2:12 AM
Hon. Linda R. Reade

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