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average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
Synder is right out of the Scottsboror Boys. In two different cases, she made two diametrically opposite rulings to favor the wealthy defendants (same defendants - rulings 3 months apart), a statutory, Cal. V.C. sec. 22851(b) exemption to lien was cited to her 12 times and ignored by her 12 times when she found that personal property is subject to a sec. 22851(a) lien (no - it is not) while also ignoring 43 Ninth Circuit authority and Supreme Court decisions supporting the pro se plaintiff AND it was repeatedly pointed out to this woman that rulings she claimed to have previously made were NEVER made - she ignored that also! Finally, observing Synder in court, both her tremors and demeanor suggests (the author was Chief, Neuropsychological Assessor, at one time) the possibility of psychosis. Her rulings would fit squarely in any Iranian court or Third World country run by a guy wearing a pointy hat and mirrored sunglasses. A black man representing himself in her courtroom should just try to get a refund on his filing fee and call it a day. Really. In the very first paper filed by Los Angeles' deputy city attorney, he informed Snyder he was Jewish like her, an Observant Jew at that. True. The woman is corrupt, rules based on ethnicity and her belief that she can start a campfire with a wet sponge.
7/15/19, 2:12 AM
Hon. Christina A. Snyder

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