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I have started and deleted this several times..I'm trying to comment without being biased. Yesterday, my family had our first courtroom experience. I was shocked at how the law operates..I understand the crime was serious and the consequences could have been disastrous.. (thankfully they weren't) I'm not lessning this believe me. I suppose what i'm trying to say is, there is also a human side of the defendants story too, which i believe the Judge couldnt see. The District attorny and Parole officer gave opinions about lesser sentencing which The Judge disagreed with..both of them. The law is so much more then a series of graphs, points, numbers..etc. thats how the sentencing seems to be handled. When you're presiding over a courtroom i know there is a lot of stress, but i hope that other Judges will read this and have some compassion also..not every case is cut and dried. The law has always been sacred to me..I cannot presume to say this wasn't handled in the best manner. all i can say is , in my opinion, it was decided from the get go. this surely didn't seem fair . I hope i didn't seem bitter or biased as i tried to understand both sides as well as the Judges point of view. I wish all parties involved nothing but the best.
7/15/19, 2:12 AM
Hon. Mitchell S. Goldberg

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