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BLOGS FOR Ivana Diamond Royner; Claire A. Williams; and Diane P. Woods JUDICIAL COUNCIL FOR THE SEVENTH CIRCUIT _________________________ United States vs. Lamar Chapman 09-CR-672 November 16, 2012 Charles P. Kocoras, Judge Presiding CONCLUSION There appears to be no statue of limitations or moral boundaries on judicial bias. Accordingly, a slanderous legal opinion is never warranted. The Court’s excursus on basic or text-book civil law issues strayed well-beyond the proper purview and function of a judicial opinion. The Seventh Circuit Panel, Honorable Ivana Diamond Royner, Honorable Claire A. Williams and Honorable Diane P. Woods, Circuit Court Judges Presiding should very respectfully be reminded, en banc, that the obligation to write judicial opinions on valid issues presented is not a license to use those opinions as a platform from which to propagate their individual world views on issues not presented or to defame the good name, character, reputation and intelligence of a minority litigant or represented party in the process for doing nothing more than the law allows. Without any inferior court jurisdiction whatsoever, the Reviewing Panel allowed itself to be “weaponized” and criminalized breach of contract litigation, absent of criminal intent for the undue purpose to allow a Department of Justice acknowledged “sham” tax evading-non-revenue generating enterprise with no lawful affect on interstate commerce to game the Administration of Justice and gain a manipulated advantage over civil litigation. See, August 30, 2012, opinion of the Court. This Honorable Court, very respectfully, must never be allowed to be used in such as adverse manner or used to condone or affirm “victim misconduct” only because misconduct affirmed is still misconduct. Very Respectfully Submitted, Lamar C. Chapman, III Founder, Judicial Watch, 1991
7/15/19, 2:13 AM
Hon. Charles P. Kocoras

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