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Criminal Defense Lawyer
comment #:
average rating is 5 out of 5
average rating is 2 out of 5
He strictly applies the Guidelines and imposed a 2-point enhancement that was not included in the plea agreement, bumping up significantly the final offense level. He ultimately imposed a just and fair non-Guideline sentence below the minimum newly-determined total offense level due to certain non-exceptional, but relevant, 3553(a) factors, to basically honor the plea agreement. Unfortunately, despite his ultimately fair sentence, I have to agree with comment # 2292 in that his temperament was terrible. He seemed to enjoy demeaning counsel. When a simple polite request would suffice, he barked and bellowed. A very painful overall experience for counsel, defendants and observers.
7/15/19, 2:10 AM
Hon. William H. Pauley III

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