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average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
She is a indecent human being who doesn't have any remorse or empathy. She lies. She doesn't care who you actually are. She sees a criminal that committed a crime and punishes you without any hope. She allows young classroom kids from a school to sit in on a peraons sentencing. And throw the book at the peraon to either prove a point or to show who's boss. She doesnt care if the childerens father or mother is being ripped away from the families everyday life. She is evil and all of her cases needs to be relooked at by a proper judge who actually does their job. She should rott in prison for at least a few years an see what its like so go through the stuggle and pain.
7/15/19, 2:16 AM
Hon. Linda R. Reade

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