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average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
Dear Judge Collins, I am just curious, while the case was pending... Did you really consider the 1st Amendment rights of Christians too? Really? Cultural diversity constitutionally commands tolerance. Christians are part of American culture too. I find your ruling disappointing, uneducated, intolerant and cowardly. I think it is high-time that appointed federal judges have diminished authority and discretion in the cases over which they preside. How dare you impede the free exercise of any religion? It is amazing to me that somehow Christians are being excluded from enjoying constitutional protection time and again. Christians have 1st Amendment rights too. So your judgeship, I hope at some point soon you dust off your copy of the United States Constitution and sneak a fresh peak at the first amendment because your ruling is clearly repugnant to it and your applied constitutional understanding is woefully limited and sorely in need of review. Sincerely, John
7/15/19, 2:13 AM
Hon. Audrey B. Collins

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