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Court Staff
comment #:
average rating is 2.3 out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
briones should have never been appointed to the federal bench, he is incompetent, does not know the laws inre civil rights cases, he is known in elpaso as a bad judge. And its about time the U.S. Attorneys office boots him off the bench, he was not allowed to hear the corruption cases coming out of elpaso due to the fact that he does not wear a blind fold, he wears an eye patch on one eye and winks with the other eye, i am suprized that the feds havent charged him with some kind of crime. he operates on the buddy system. i am so happy that he will be gone off the fed bench. ps you dont retire from a fed bench at his age, you are only forced off the bench. all of above is only my opinion and others. goodby to a bad, bad judge, he also blurts out in open court 'this is my court' and hes wrong, its the peoples court. if anyone disagrees with me please respond
7/15/19, 2:12 AM
Hon. David Briones

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