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where judges are judged
comment #:
Judge McDade presided over my trial. After my attorney screwed my case up and I was trying to explain the errors to him, he reacted very unprofessionally and chastised me for wasting his time. He also ragged about two pro-se motions I did on my case and how they were 'completely meritless.' But when his favorite public defender was appointed he was more than happy to voice how he felt about the 'potential' merit in the motions my attorney 'adopted.' Then during my sentencing he chastised me about complaining baout my attorney in a habeas corpus proceeding and that he 'didn't want to hear any complaints' about the attorney. Needless to say, I was screwed beyond belief and did 7.5 years in prison for some silly bullshit that Joe Billy ramrodded through 'his court.' Not to mention this in my rambling, but Joe Billy also prejudiced my jury pool by explaining his rise up from being a too-tall cotton-picking black youth in Texas to making his way through law school and on to the bench. Joe Billy clearly has a GOD COMPLEX and should not sit the bench.
7/15/19, 2:11 AM
Hon. Joe Billy McDade
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