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comment #:
average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
Judge Bloom served as a magistrate Judge in my civil case. Throughout the course of my case, initially, as a pro se litigant, as well as thereafter, when I had legal representation she demonstrated an exceptional ability to not, solely, maintain an unprejudiced demeanor but to also remain, fully focused and engaged in the core matters of the case. Honorable Bloom did so while she ensured to keep the law as her solid foundation, at all times. In addition her negotiation skills are as masterful and as sophisticated as they are just and supported by the word of the law. I shall, forever, hold a warm spot in my heart for remarkable Judge Bloom whose conduct allowed my journey to conclude with immense respect to the judicial system as well as an important factor in my own healing and self growth!!
7/15/19, 2:16 AM
Hon. Lois Bloom

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