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Criminal Defense Lawyer
comment #:
average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
Judge Forrest is smart and energetic. She has an excellent demeanor, is efficient and treats lawyers civilly. She is, as many have reported, a harsh sentencer -- she truly sees sentencing as a day of reckoning, a time for meting out just deserts. She is capable, however, of showing compassion to defendants who are deserving, although her idea of compassion may not jibe with others'. Also, she is generally pro-government when push comes to shove, and she sometimes will reflexively adopt the government's position on particularly complicated sentencing issues, rather than actually work them through. Hopefully as she gains more experience some of her views will moderate and she'll gain more perspective. She is already an excellent judge in many ways and she has the potential to be a truly great judge.
7/15/19, 2:13 AM
Hon. Katherine Bolan Forrest

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