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average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
As an expert witness in a matter of interest nationwide who spent considerable time being crossed and recrossed and questioned by Judge Spatt for a solid four days, I found him to be extremely fair to both sides in a case involving the constitutionality of government regulation, the delegation of authorities between levels of government, debates involving differing opinions among scientists, and a wide range of matters involving NY State statutory and case law. He grilled me on several occasions, and he pressed for better understandings of often confusing and conflicting information. Having considerable experience as a witness in municipal, Long Island district and NY State courts, I found him and his courtroom to be one of the best and most interesting/exciting of my 3 1/2 decade career. I would want Judge Spatt to hear and decide any civil or criminal case I might be involved in no matter whether I'm a witness, plaintiff, defendant or prosecutor. And he has a wonderfully dry sense of humor that he uses to defuse tensions on both sides of an argument.
7/15/19, 2:12 AM
Hon. Arthur D. Spatt

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