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where judges are judged
comment #:
Writing in regards to Judge David Hurd's disregard to our 4th amendment. Case in point..after a search warrant was once used, finding evidence of guilt on his computer, this individual was sentenced, serving more than half of said sentence, his property, camera was searched for the first time when a family member ONLY asked for a computer modem to be returned, not the computer or camera. NY State had in their possession this camera for over 6 months and failed to check it during that time. This property was legally the defendents, after serving more than half of his 4 month sentence. That original Search Warrant, at this point in time was Void. In fact one of the NY State Investigators mentioned 'They screwed up' by not getting another S-W. The camera was found with pictures which warranted Federal charges. Judge Hurd reviewed this case, competely ignoring the Illegal Search an Seizures 4th amemdment under our Constitution! After all said an done NY State along with the Feds sentenced him to 36 yrs running consecutively. I feel under the circumstances, along with the defendants past clean record, the least Judge Hurd could have done is run it con-currently Bottom line...His Constitutional rights were violated!
7/15/19, 2:13 AM
Hon. David N. Hurd
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