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comment #:
average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
He sent not one, but two federal orders to my residence stating that my complaint was frivolous. He obviously does not care about the 'American Culture' due to those orders guaranteeing me a settlement. As you can read some of the low ratings he received, he is some type of Freemason going after his name. He is forbidden to the Eastern District of Pennsylvania federal courts. He should honestly be federally prosecuted for his conduct for him being a thief of nature. He tells his own story. That's not for any judge to do. The people vote the president in, the president elects the judge, the senate sanctions, the people offers to the senate. He's clearly not for the people. It's okay to help people. He left me in disbelief. Why should a previous liquor board hearing examiner be admitted a judge? He has a frivolous background to be exact. He has to still be studying and running late. Sorry. 'Freedom of Speech'
7/15/19, 2:16 AM
Hon. Timothy J. Savage

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