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Criminal Defense Lawyer
comment #:
average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
Had a bail revocation proceeding before Judge Spatt July 2006 where the client -- an attorney -- violated conditions of post-sentencing bail by travelling to Canada for a cruise to Alaska (with parents), in violation of a condition of bail restricting travel to the continental U.S. The government learned of the violation from Homeland Security, obtained an ex parte warrant and arrested client in Alaska. Client spent 4-5 days in custody before returning to the U.S. The government wanted the client to be held in contempt, with bail revoked and $150,000 bail forfeited. Judge Spatt, to his credit, permitted the client to return home from Alaska with no escort, declined to find a contempt, and fined the client $30,000 rather than forfeit the $150,000. He handled a difficult case realistically on short notice and did not simply yield to the government's over-the-top requests.
7/15/19, 2:10 AM
Hon. Arthur D. Spatt

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