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where judges are judged
Criminal Defense Lawyer
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I have appeared in front of Judge Kane many times in criminal matters and in a few civil matters and have always found her punctual, prepared, fair and polite even to some serious criminals. Her rulings have been fair and well reasoned. She obviously brings a lot of intellectual firepower to the job. I have received dozens of rulings from her over the years and would have to say every one of them was fair, just and well reasoned even though many of them went against me. The criticism of her punctuality is especially contradicted by my experience with her. I have appeared before her on dozens of occasions and she has always been on time. Her written orders and opinions are well reasoned and her scholarship very high. She is an excellent judge who rules justly and with terrific intellect and disposition.
7/15/19, 2:12 AM
Hon. Yvette Kane
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