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where judges are judged
comment #:
He was completely wrong in my civil case back in 2009. He was arrogant and dismissive, calling my claims 'bizarre' and 'ludicrous.' The defendant has since admitted to the facts in New York state, and its Chapter 11 plan was confirmed two weeks ago. Bizarre, indeed. What I find bizarre is that homeowners and other litigants are accepting these clearly wrong rulings without a fight. If Judge Carter is a true patriot and on the side of the people, he will re-think his position and stop helping the banks with their fleecing of America, if not the world. Instead of your knee-jerk habit of referring to citizens in derogatory terms, consider that banks and financial institutions may be committing fraud upon the court. Thank you.
7/15/19, 2:13 AM
Hon. David O. Carter
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