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average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
Horrible. I have never seen a Judge disregard not only evidence but the law as well. What a disgrace. I wouldn't mind if he ruled against me after analyzing the case and giving some reasonable decision. But he ignored the parties' joint request for a hearing. Clearly there is some type of timetable for deciding appeals from the Bankruptcy Court because he let the case sit dormant for close to a year. A week before the case hit its one year mark, he asked me for another copy of my brief and suddenly he wrote his decision in TWO DAYS! How can a judge say that another judge's decision was thorough when he never even had in his possession as part of the record the evidence from the prior case. Without comparing the evidence to the decision, this 'gentleman' made such absurd findings and resorted to name calling. He actually wrote that a Bankruptcy Judge is too busy to conduct a full hearing on a case. After the conclusion of my case (which is on appeal) I discovered that he tried to decide another case without disclosing that he had a clear conflict of interest. When the lawyer called him on it, he or another judge (not sure who) ordered a retrial. I can only hope that his children come up in front of someone as biased, prejudiced and incompetent as Judge Peter G. Sheridan so that he understands the consequences of his actions. I don't know what kind of lawyer he was, but as a Judge, holding people's lives in his hands, he is a complete failure.
7/15/19, 2:12 AM
Hon. Peter G. Sheridan

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