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comment #:
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average rating is null out of 5
I don't think its possible for judge sleet to be an honest person or judge. There is no way possible a man can rule in favor of extending the patent on lyrica another 6 years causing people like me in a wheel chair and a spinal cord injury to suffer because myself and many many others can not afford lyrica. A lot of very wealthy people are going to become even more wealthy while disabled people such as myself with nothing more than ssdi to survive on suffer greatly. I think this was a perfect example of the power of money. But I think we people, the ones that pay and suffer will not suffer long. Not long at all. The rich get richer,at the expense of people like me. God have mercy on you all for hurting so many.
7/15/19, 2:13 AM
Hon. Gregory M. Sleet

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