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average rating is null out of 5
The entertainment industry is making the court to be a 3 dog night joke with the Led Zeppelin plagiarism accusation. The song in question is not much more than an 'Old Fashioned Love Song'. There was a case quite some time ago with Jefferson Starship people NOT wanting new personnel to keep the name 'Jefferson Starship'. Well Randy California is probably NOT his real name either! There was a claim that a band's last/fatal mistake would be to appear in San Francisco. The song in question is supposedly by someone calling themselves 'Spirit' . . . but NOW they want material compensation. The songs in question were never contested by creators during their mutual 'living' existence on Earth. The songs in question are reworked from descending to climbing scales with loads and loads of working around them . . . with the original making cameo appearances. It is surely NOT plagiarism. It's 'an old fashioned love song' like with Monteverdi, Bach, Offenbach, Handel, etc.. Definitely NOT stolen. And definitely music kissing with music . . . an old fashioned love song. The entertainment industry toys with the Constitution by getting free press. A group from Australia (Three Dog Night) did a song just exactly about this. You see, there is a lot of bitch-I-ness in life. And musicians are NOT immune to sniping at one another. Three Dog Night might have taken some shots . . . but the principals in the 'question' (Page & 'California') were acquaintances a few times. And the 'question' NEVER arose. That's because this is an intellectual property and the work is an old fashioned love song. You should dismiss and tell the boys that they've all gotten older now and interest has faded in how these 'old fashioned love songs' should be played out.
7/15/19, 2:16 AM
Hon. R. Gary Klausner

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