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where judges are judged
Civil Litigation - Private
comment #:
Judge Falk just wants cases to settle. There is an emergency in the DNJ (mostly Newark) because of a lack of district judges, so it seems his assignment is to get as many cases to settle as possible. I recently had a labor law matter with him, and he forced us to attend four settlement conferences with clients in tow, even after I moved for summary judgment. He then proceeded to inform me that the MSJ may take a year to decide, and a trial may take place in 2019 (emphasis on 'may'). After we did settle Judge Falk was so thankful I became a little uncomfortable. It was as if we did him a huge favor (which may actually be the case). Otherwise, a very affable and humorous person. You'll be annoyed that you have to be there, but won't have a bad time.
7/15/19, 2:16 AM
Hon. Mark Falk
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