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comment #:
average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
The Liberal left pushing their Political Agendas and Personal Views from Bench is a disgrace to our Country and our Constitution. This is not the reason for their Federal Judiciary. Nobody is above the law in Federal Judges, nor were they Appointed to supplement Our United States Constitution for their own personal opinions and Political Aspirations and Lobbyists pressures. The Senate must review these Federal Judges, Entire Court for Impeachment and Removal of due to Abuse of Power, Manifestation of Injustice and Litigating from the Bench. Their actions are clearly to appease their own personal agendas and the Elite, endanger us all and are clearly Contrary to law. They simply do not care the impact.
7/15/19, 2:16 AM
Hon. James L. Robart

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