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where judges are judged
Civil Litigation - Private
comment #:
Judge Gottschall typically never moves rapidly, even in matters where bench rulings are common. Multiple motions in one large case took over a year each to obtain rulings. One ruling reversed by Seventh Circuit already in same case. I don't see a particular bias toward Plaintiffs or Defendants in general; I see that she makes up her mind about who the 'bad guy' is very early in the case and steers the litigation against that party, evidence notwithstanding. If you need to relax a deadline, Judge Gottschall is generous with such motions. However, she is arbitrarily fining attorneys who fail to deliver a copy of any filing the next business day after e-filing, effectively penalizing suburban small-firm practitioners.
7/15/19, 2:12 AM
Hon. Joan B. Gottschall
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