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where judges are judged
Criminal Defense Lawyer
comment #:
While he is certainly the best of the local MJs, especially in terms of settlement and docket management, he seems to hold plaintiff counsel's feet to the fire, while giving a little too much leeway to defense counsel [civil, that is]. Also seems to be a little too cynical, so if you show that opposing counsel has made a misreprestation, it seems to roll off od his back a little to easily. Very nice guy in private. A little too form over substance, especially on deadlines, but he usually gets the rulings right. Takes Rule 72 appeals personally, so you need to be careful about what you write, because he reads every one. He also seems too driven by whether he likes your client, and very clearly is prone to accept defense counsel at their word while requiring hard proof from the plaintiff side. He has great potential, but he needs to realize that some even-handedness is needed.
7/15/19, 2:10 AM
Hon. Boyd N. Boland
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