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average rating is null out of 5
Dear Honorable Sir: I am writing to thank you for Gizmo, the pitbull that was forced into dog fighting, by Rick Hihath. Thank you for taking the crime of dog fighting seriously. Thank you for sentencing Rick Hihath to 16 months in prison, and for not allowing him to own a dog for three years while he is on probation. However, sixteen months is hardly enough time for such a serious crime. And not owning a dog for three years is not stiff enough. Why not a prison term for 10 years? Why not ban dog ownership for Rick Hihath's entire life? What can we do to change the law to enforce tougher sentencing for abuse of innocent animals? While I do applaud your decision to sentence Rich Hihath, I would have liked to see a stiffer sentence.
7/15/19, 2:12 AM
Hon. Ortrie D. Smith

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