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where judges are judged
Criminal Defense Lawyer
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I had a sex discrimination case in front of him, and it had been scheduled for 2 days. We had a lot of history to talk about. Based on that, I had told my psychiatrist to be our first witness on the second day (and our last witness for the case). We walked in and Judge Hilton announced that this seemed like a one-day case to him. I spluttered that my expert couldn't be there that day; he said, in essence, 'tough.' At 5:00 I had finished all other witnesses, and I asked to recess until the next day. He refused the request, and added, 'I guess you rest.' He then granted summary judgment to the defense. He was right -- it WAS just a one-day case.
7/15/19, 2:11 AM
Hon. Claude M. Hilton
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