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comment #:
average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
Judge Terry Means cares nothing for the fundamental liberties of grandparents afforded by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. He sides with the heavy hitters -- in this case, the State of Texas's Department of Child Protective Services. Judge Means would not allow this grandmother to even address the fact that this agency had her two- and three-year-old grandchildren on ten major psychotropic drugs, even though Diane Sawyer and Carole Keeton Strayhorn exposed how damaging and illegal this is for children in the major media. He was shown evidence that Tarrant County C.P.S. falsified information on the grandmother's interstate background check from Utah. (This included an F.B.I. background check.) He dismissed the case, using material on the grandmother that was 25 years old, regarding a family law custody case, when the grandmother was a battered wife. There was an appeal to the United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Grandma finally has an attorney to pursue this. Grandma is requesting Judge Means to step down from hearing this case when it is reversed and remanded. He has tape recordings that the children are being physically abused in illegal adoptive foster care. This grandmother believes that this federal judge should go back to Roswell and deal with cattle, as he is dangerous to both children and people. It is a sad state of affairs when our legal system and tribunals are so corrupt, and do not respect family or afford them due process rights! This man is not honorable. This grandmother is going to the media.
7/15/19, 2:13 AM
Hon. Terry R. Means

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