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where judges are judged

Civil Litigation - Private
comment #:
Judge Kelleher is old-school, gruff and arrogant. He was a sole practitioner in Beverly Hills, and his status and connections as the only non-player captain of the U.S. Olympic Tennis team got Nixon to give him a seat on the bench. He was quite happy until the early 1970's when his new seat on the Ninth Circuit was snatched from his grasp when Nixon needed to get Ninth Circuit Judge Joseph Tyree Sneed out of the Justice Department, where he was embarrassing people, and gave him Kelleher's seat. For nearly 30 years, Kelleher has languished on the district court bench. He doesn't grant many summary judgments because he is too old and too lazy to read them.
7/15/19, 2:11 AM
Hon. Robert J. Kelleher
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