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comment #:
average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
I was a appellee in 2008 against the CFTC. (See Judge Katzman). Katzman and Raggi were on the panel together. I was denied registration by the CFTC even thought the fund I operated was the victim of the massive Sumitomo, JP Morgan copper fraud. Now, I had hired a decent attorney to argue the case. Before he could even say a few words, Raggi interrupted him. She used nearly all of his time. She spoke about your clients 'chip on his shoulder' even though there was nothing in the brief that had anything to do with my attitude. When my lawyer came out, he said, 'that has never happened to me before and obviously Raggi was predisposed.' I had waited 4 years to get to argue the case in front of the Second Circuit, and obviously someone had gotten to her. I wrote complaints, letters, etc, but as usual, nothing is ever done with these corrupt Judges.
7/15/19, 2:13 AM
Hon. Reena Raggi

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