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average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
There is only ONE Mark Falk. If you read all these comments, they seem to fall into two camps -- Judge Falk is great, or Judge Falk is a jerk... Judge Falk is energetic, or he is lazy... There is only one Judge Falk, namely, the good one, 'an attorney's judge'. If Judge Falk is putting his feet on the desk towards you while you are speaking, that is just his indirect way of telling you that you are making absurd, idiotic arguments. If you are performing as a skilled and informed attorney in presenting and acknowledging the facts of your case, he is with you in a direct way. If you are dissembling and insulting his intelligence, he will only tell you that indirectly -- feet on desk, pretending to fall asleep, whatever. Yup, it's that simple. In my estimation, Judge Falk is extremely astute and fair. If he is giving you negative feedback, that is about you, not about him. We had a case before him, and he called both parties down to NJ (from MA and PA) to a conference before him. He pushed really hard on me and on my attorneys, and I must surmise that he pushed hard on the opposing attorneys (no one from our side was in the room), because they folded and walked away, after I took a big riak and refused to offer any cash for dismissal. Bottom line, Judge Falk was an honest broker.
7/15/19, 2:16 AM
Hon. Mark Falk

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