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comment #:
average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
Diana Lee Flaherty-Edwards has been convicted by your court and sentenced because she, along with her husband, scammed and stole tens of millions of dollars from innocent individual investors. Yet you seem to have cast a blind eye toward her disrespectfully ignoring your order to surrender to Dublin. At the very least, you appear to be careless in having proper respect for your 'bench' enforced. In addition, you betray a callous disregard for the many thousands deserving of justice in this case, which in turn, beg questions regarding your own judicial honor given your apparent disinterest for her fugitive status. It would appear to this individual that the 'Honor' in your title is a less-than-accurate description of the person behind the robe.
7/15/19, 2:11 AM
Hon. Robert C. Jones

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